About Me

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I am a mother to 2 wonderful kids. Johnathan is 6 and Cecelia is 10 months. They make my life so much richer. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams, Nick. He's the most amazing and caring man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He makes me complete. I love to hang out with friends and meet new people. It is quite a feat if I can get Nick to meet new people as well. Suffice it to say, he doesn't like to be very social.







Growing up so fast

The kids have really blossomed these last few months. My sister and her boyfriend split up and we moved in with her to help her out. Cece has really expanded her vocabulary since we moved in. In part, because Xander never shuts up. Lol. And Johnny had some issues at first getting along with his cousins, but he's finally starting to develop his problem solving skills. I love seeing how much they grow. Although I wish they didn't do it do quickly. Johnny got his ear pierced recently and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. He's starting 2nd grade soon. Right now he wants to be a vet or a proctologist (he's obsessed with poop. He's all boy LOL). He's learned to swim this summer. All on his own. He wouldn't let us help much. He's not terribly good at it yet. But practice makes perfect :)
My grandpa Keith came into town for his high school reunion. I haven't seen him in 7 years. Johnny was a few months old last time he came. It was nice to catch up. My little uncle came with him. Can't believe how tall this kid is already at 14! And he's very smart and respectable. It was a food visit. I do wish we had a little long to hang out tho.
Lastly, Nick and I found out some wonderful news from our lawyer. Can't really share just yet but suffice it to say, we were over the moon.


Moving soon!

So Jaki finally gave Rob the boot. It was a long time coming but she had to do what was best for the kids. But now she can't afford her bills on her own. So Nick and I decided to move in with her and the boys until tax time when she has the extra money for bills. It will help us too, in the long run. We are waiting for Rob to finish getting his stuff out before we move in. It's gonna be crowded for a bit but it will be worth it when it's all said and done. Nick is kinda nervous. But I think he will be ok once we get there. I think it's the prospect of a big life change. And the fact that Rob could try to cause problems. I'll be glad when we are all done with the move. I like moving but the unpacking sucks!


My baby is 1!

This never posted before :-/ so here it is now

So I cannot believe that Cece is a year old already. It seems like only yesterday that nick was passed out in the hospital chair and we were depriving our poor doctor of sleep with the induction. I have seen the most amazing changes from Nick this year. He's such a great daddy. Cece loves him more than anyone else.

And Johnny is less interested in her now that she's big enough to be a nuisance. He wanted a sister SO bad but now he doesn't want her to bother him. LOL.

Anyway, back to Celia. She was just under 19 pounds. And just over 28 inches. She's scrawny. And her vocabulary is really advanced. Today, I realized that she can say Woody, Buzz, and Jessie! She loves her Toy Story! She is such a stinker too. If she's doing something that she thinks she shouldn't be, she busts into a fit of giggles and tried to run away while still doing it. Tonight, she grabbed Johnny's finger while he was sleeping and when I looked up and saw her, she just cracked up and tried to run away with his finger LOL. Which was pretty entertaining because, obviously, it was attached to a 60lb sleeping child!

Anyway, I can't post pics throughout my post because I'm on my phone. But here are a few. She's the cutest sweetest little Cece ever!


Catch up!

I don't get on here very often because I can't post my pics from my phone and its the only regular internet access I have. Anyway, Halloween and thanksgiving were good. Cece was a Cinderella baby and a bee. johnny was a zombie clown (?) and an old man. At thanksgiving with my in-laws I did the ugly ornament swap with Nicks family. SO much fun! I've even got one in mind for next year. Just after Thanksgiving Johnny started soccer. He has so much fun. I hope we can get the money together to let him do it again.

Christmas was better than I expected. Not anywhere near as chaotic as it usually is. The only down side is that I had a headache that didn't go away til 6pm and I didn't make it to church. Of all the days to miss! I made Cece a ballerina dress and it was SO adorable! Johnny is at that age where he wants to pick his own outfits so his Christmas outfit wasn't as dressy as normal. He wanted to wear a tie but his white dress shirt had something on it and he didn't have anything else to match. He's getting so much more independent. So is miss Cece. She hates to be fed. She loves her baby food but wants to do it herself. Sometimes I let her and can I just say, MESSY!

Johnny attempted to stay up on new years eve. He made it all the way to 10 which is a HUGE feat for him! He's usually out by 8:30. We went sledding when it snowed, and boy did it snow! Johnny, of course, loves it but Cece was not impressed. She liked the snow but didn't care for the sledding.

We had to give Tank away. We were all very heartbroken. Nick more so than anyone. He really loved that dog. The silver lining, my dad took him. And he said he's been great. NONE of the problems he was having before. He's such a good little dog and I'm glad he's somewhere he can be happy.

Johnny finally went back to school (hallelujah) and the same day, I had to take Cece to the doctor. She has a viral infection. On the plus side, she finally broke the 18lb mark! 18lb 5oz. I can't believe she's getting so big. I must say, it's strange to see her walking because she's still so petite and scrawny. Clara weighs in at 10lbs more than Cece and she's 2in taller. This is the same way Johnny was, so it's a change for me to have a little baby. Without further ado...

Me and the kids on the haunted hayride at the pond (I made apple cider muffins that were to die for!). We had some much fun pressing cider this year :)

 Johnny and Jack at the SBPD Halloween celebration

Cece was baby Cinderella for the celebration
 Cece and Clara just before Halloween. Clara is such a big girl. She towers over Cece!
 We finally Put her crib up. No more bassinet for this girl! She loves it (except at bedtime)
 Checking out her awesome bed
 I love this super cheesy smile :D
 Johnny had to take a picture
 So I got one of him too LOL
 Cece checking out daddy on Halloween. She was not impressed LOL
 Hanging out with daddy with Bubba trick-or-treats
 Johnny took daddy's mask because his was so big. (notice the baby eating the severed ham in the background! YUM!)
 Johnny had a Jones soda for being so good at school one week and we always read what the cap says. This one said take a picture upside down. So we did :)
 Johnny dressed as the Rainbow Warrior. This is what we call him anyway. One day he won't think this is funny but for now, I love that he's using his imagination!
 Practicing his moves!
 go johnny go
 Cece loves being in our backyard. Plenty of space for her to crawl around.
 We were testing the lights to see if they all worked. Johnny has always loved the lights. However, it was just one more thing that did not impress my daughter. I hope she's this unimpressed with boys later in life!
 Christmas eve at my grandparents. Johnny was sneaking drinks of orange soda... That lip was a dead giveaway!
 My poor baby woke up sick for the holidays. At least she still looked fabulous!
 She's into everything. Oh joy...
 Christmas morning! Note the outfit. He passed out the night before so early that he didn't even get his pajamas on.
 She LOVES toy story just like her bubby. She got Jessie and he got Woody and Buzz
 My kiddos in front of our tree
 Woody ended up being her favorite toy and it wasn't even hers. 
 He just tore into it all!
 Our first big snow! I let Johnny pull her around on the sled in the back yard. She showed absolutely no excitement. Maybe next year...
 She did enjoy eating it tho.
 My little goofballs :)
 Sledding with aunt Mikki (who I forgot to get a pic of). She was a huge help to me this day. 
 When I was getting the tree pulled out for the trash, I noticed this guy. I'm assuming Johnny accidentally flung him at some point and he ended up like this. Either that or he's like the toy soldiers in Toy Story! LOL
 My baby girl is 10 months old already. I think she looks more and more like her daddy.  She's still a total daddy's girl. I love that :)
 This little face. This is her "I'm going to cause you trouble" look. Lord help me.
 He's getting to the point where he doesn't like her getting into his stuff anymore but they still have these moments too. When he lets her beat him up or poke his eyes LOL. He's such a good big brother. He's already asking for another baby. A boy this time. Oh Johnny. Lets wait a little while first.
 This is a gift he got from Santa. It has a purple light and he was shining it on her finger. She loves this light.
And lastly, johnny got a camera from my mom for Christmas. Just a starter one. But he's so used to mine that he didn't like his very much. It only held 15 2megapixels pics and the screen was very low resolution. So my mom gave him her old one too. Its a lot better and hes been having fun with it. Here are a couple of his pics...


this post is very late...

The Notre Dame vs. Michigan game this year was awesome. We lost but it was neck and neck and nail biting right to they very end. We went and watched it with my sister and BIL at their friends house. They always make a big deal about it so its always fun with them.This year me and the kids wore our jerseys and it worked out great because we each had a different color. All was well until Johnny was convinced by my sister that he should be a Michigan fan. So now he no longer roots for ND :( But he had fun nonetheless.  Here is our photo gallery from that night :)

This is her GO ND! face! LOL

love this girl!

before he turned traitor LOL

Xan Man

me and the Xan

she had a blast in this thing

sneaking soda

he has the prettiest eyes

thanks John

Jax refused to smile for me at all

Jaki with her baby :)

Shara was one of 4 fans rooting for MI

this was the aftermath LOL (note that his shirt is inside out. because he decided he didnt like ND anymore)