About Me

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I am a mother to 2 wonderful kids. Johnathan is 6 and Cecelia is 10 months. They make my life so much richer. I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams, Nick. He's the most amazing and caring man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He makes me complete. I love to hang out with friends and meet new people. It is quite a feat if I can get Nick to meet new people as well. Suffice it to say, he doesn't like to be very social.







Time for changes

So we are still trying to get a car. Since nick is the breadwinner at the moment, the car is going in his name and he can't ever get off work in time to get to the car lot. But we have gotten the ok for him to get a car and now we just have to get there to pick one. I am looking for seasonal work. Just so we have some extra for Christmas and to pay the car off faster. I'm hoping to be back in school next summer session so I can get my degree finished. I'm gonna buckle down and get it done in 2 years. And then once I'm working, nick can go back. He wants to be a vet tech. I want to be able to stay home with the kids and with an accounting degree I can still do a little work from home.

We also found out that the nurse practitioner that Johnny sees has left the office. So all the doctors we liked are gone and the only NP we really saw is gone too. Dr. Smith had said that since he sees Celia, Johnny can also come to the office. I wanted to wait til I knew if he would stay in the area after residency. But Johnny has been asking me for a few months if he can see Dr. Smith anyway. So now we are just gonna hope and pray that he stays local after his residency. I never really worried about doctors because Johnny was at the same office I had gone to as a kid but now that I have found a family doctor that we like I completely understand.

I am hoping that once I start working again cece will be cooperative. She has been refusing bottles lately and I really want to get back to work for the holidays. So please pray that she isn't a pain in the butt about it :)

Until next time :)


Crazy week

So my van officially died on Friday. Way too much work needed to be done so I sold it and we are looking for new vehicle. We went with Shara to the Notre Dame vs. Michigan game. It was a very exciting game, to say the least. We lost but we gave them a good run! I love going to ND games with them. These guys take their football VERY seriously! Johnny had fun there too. There were boys there his age that he could play with. He decided that he is a Michigan fan. Oh man. What am I gonna do with this child. That's my Stinky. Cece has really started to sit up this week. She can manage it for quite a while all by herself. She's been saying dada for months but she hasn't said it in from of Nick. He finally got to the point where he didn't even believe me! Well she finally started saying it more and he got to hear it. Oh how I loved the look on his face. He was so proud :)
Not much else has been going on. I've been walking a lot LOL. I would not really mind if we went a few more weeks before getting a new car. It would give us the time to save more. Nick however, HAS to have one or else he's going nuts. I went and put in some job applications to pay for this car because I don't think Nick will be happy to be giving up all his extra cash. Hopefully I will hear back from someone. Tomorrow I'm applying to Toys R Us. I think that would be awesome. Get to play with toys and get a discount! I Don't mind the idea of going back to work but I wanted to wait til Cece was done breastfeeding. She won't take a bottle. I worry about her first day away from me. I know that's normal but I don't want her to be hungry all day. I'm worried about her. Not to mention, who wants to hire me when I barely have any availability. I guess that's all I got for now. No pics cuz I'm doing this from my phone. Next time :)


The Sixes

This is a particularly hard time for me with the kids. They are both getting so big, in such different ways. I don't like to see this. I wish they would stay little. I know this is every mothers dream but I'm going to state it regardless.

Cece is 6 months and it's SO hard for me to look at her and realize that we are already halfway to 1 year. She's got 2 teeth and she's been a snotty mess, so I'm sure we have more on the way. She's trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on her knees and rocks her little heart out. Regardless of the fact that she's not actually crawling yet, she gets where she wants to go. She rolls all over the place. In general, she's content to roll around and play with her toys (or her brothers). She really likes music. She gets VERY excited when she hears Katy Perry's "Firework" when my phone rings. And she sure does know when her daddy is supposed to be home. Every night, around 6, she starts to get cranky and she insists on being held. this is because daddy has done so for the last 6 months. This is particularly difficult when he is on-call. I get nothing accomplished when he is because Cece MUST be held. She gets so excited when he comes home. Her whole little face lights up and she starts kicking and flailing her arms. There is no doubt about it. She's a daddy's girl :) She has started saying dada a bit more. Although, mama is heard quite frequently. She can blow kisses and sometimes makes fishy lips when she tries to do it. She's outgrown her bouncer and her swing. If she's not sleeping, she won't sit in them. 

Johnny is 6 years old as of June and for some reason, 6 has been the hardest for me. Last year, I was so proud to send him off to kindergarten. But 1st grade was HARD. I went home and just cried. I find myself looking through his baby pictures a lot lately and wondering where the time has gone. I can't even pick him up anymore. He started riding a 2-wheeler a couple weeks ago and I find it hard to keep him in the house. I can barely get him inside to eat. He's also getting better in school. He is so much more calm this year. He still has some issues focusing but his psychiatrist is going to switch his meds soon so I'm hoping it will help. He's starting to sound out more words on his own. He's still behind most of his class. It's been very hard for me to help him with his school work. Sometimes I feel awful because I get frustrated. It all came to me so easily in school. I guess he didn't inherit my book smarts. He's also starting to look less and less like me. A fact that sometimes makes me very sad. He looked so much like me for so many years. It's hard to look at him and see traces of a person I'd rather never see again. We ran into his little brother a couple of weeks back and it made it very hard to deny that he's no longer my spitting image. He loves the water. He had an insane amount of fun in the "big pool" with me and Nick this year. He's too scared to let us teach him to swim though. He's excited to get a new pet. He would really like a cat but we aren't really cat people. We had one on our back porch this summer that we took to the humane society because it was injured. But he dubbed him "porch kitty DeCocker" right away :) He thinks that anything he could consider a pet should be dubbed a DeCocker. I think he's excited to have his name changed. I feel bad that it won't be happening as soon as we had hoped. And he's an amazing big brother. He loves his baby sister so much. Sometimes we catch him doing things he shouldn't, like trying to hold her upside down. Let face it, he's never been the safest child. And its very hard to tell him not to do it when Cece thinks it giggle worthy. If it makes her laugh, it must be okay! right? LOL

So in honor of their 6th milestones here are 6 pics of Johnny

He is also a budding photographer :) 

And 6 pics of Cece

And here's a couple of them both :)